Sandwiches For Your Kid's Lunchbox

When Sonal announced her lunchbox collective, I could alone intend of what I larn through amongst my kids. I direct maintain a 7-year one-time as well as a 4-year one-time who are picky eaters as well as hence luncheon is a big issue. While at that topographic point are several things that could last sent to kids, when it comes to my children these are the issues I face:
1. They are picky
2. They don't swallow messy nutrient yesteryear themselves.
3. They don't wish nutrient that has sauce/ gravy equally it may spill.
4. The nutrient has to last inwards practiced status yesteryear lunchtime.

I am mightiness direct maintain forgotten a few to a greater extent than issues..😉

Anyways, the solution for most of these problems is SANDWICH!! Yes, sandwiches .. The possibilities are endless.. Most people / kids similar sandwiches unless yous are somebody similar me, who truly doesn't similar them!😌 Don't larn me wrong, I volition swallow them inwards a pinch, but for last most role I avoid them. Enough close me, coming dorsum to lunch.. Sandwiches travel for my kids as well as my hubby equally good for his lunch!

Like I said earlier, at that topographic point are endless possibilities for sandwiches! I am going to percentage amongst yous to a greater extent than or less of them as well as ways to brand sandwiches appealing to kids. Children don't similar CRUST!! That is a big turn-off to them. If yous are somebody similar me who thinks that throwing the crust is wasting food, as well as then yous meliorate reconcile amongst it. Save the crust to brand staff of life crumbs/ croutons or feed it to the birds/ducks.

So ane time yous direct maintain taken off the crust, endeavour to arrive appealing yesteryear cutting the sandwich into unlike shapes. I utilization form cutters to do them. They are cheap as well as easily available. If yous don't direct maintain them, only utilization a regular knife to form the sandwiches. Much equally kids similar hearts as well as trains, they also similar lilliputian triangles as well as squares as well as circles. For lilliputian kids, travel on the sandwiches simple. I similar to brand my kids' meals equally balanced equally possible, so I utilization whole grain or wheat bread, to a greater extent than or less poly peptide inwards the sandwich as well as fruit on the side. The poly peptide could last nut butter similar Nutella, almond butter, peanut butter  or cheese. You could yoke the nut butter amongst sliced apple tree or banana. You could yoke the cream cheese amongst sliced cucumbers tomatoes or only plain. You could also brand an olive crude oil as well as love apple tree sandwich .  For the slightly older kids yous could utilization a layer of coriander-mint chutney amongst tahini or hummus.

Now allow us expect at to a greater extent than or less of the really basic options!

Servings : makes ane sandwich of each kind


Whole grain wheat/ white staff of life slices: 2 slices -per sandwich

For butter as well as jelly sandwich:

Butter/ nut butter: 1 tablespoon per sandwich. ( tin sack accommodate equally per private preferance)
Fruit preserve/jam: 1 tbsp

For the cucumber/ love apple tree sandwich:

Cream cheese: 1 tablespoon per sandwich. ( tin sack accommodate equally per private preferance)
Butter: 1 tsp
Cucumber slices: 3-4, depending on the size of the cucumber.
Tomato slices: 2-4, depending on the size of the tomato.
Coriander/mint chutney: 1 tbsp


For butter as well as jelly sandwich:

Apply butter/nut butter on ane staff of life slice. 

Apply fruit save on the other slice.

Place it on travel yesteryear of each other. 

Place the desired form sandwich cutter on the staff of life as well as cutting into desired shape. I used a train-shaped cutter as well as a heart-shaped cutter. 

Pack it inwards your child's favorite lunch-box.

For the cucumber/tomato sandwich:

Using a serrated knife cutting off the crust from the staff of life slices.

Apply butter on ane staff of life slice. 

Apply coriander-mint chutney on travel yesteryear of the butter. 

Place the cucumber as well as love apple tree land on each other inwards layers . 

Drizzle amongst to a greater extent than or less to a greater extent than coriander-mint chutney.

Apply cream cheese to the other slice. Place on top.

Slice it into 2 rectangles inwards the middle as well as and then each rectangle into tow triangles.

You tin sack utilization toothpicks to secure the sandwich.

Pack inwards luncheon boxes amongst a side of desired fruit, cutting into seize amongst teeth size pieces!

I am  bringing these lunchbox ideas to Throwback Th #50, Fiesta Fri #132 and Saucy Saturday#57! Angie's co-hosts this calendar week are Sandhya @ Indfused and Nancy @ Feasting With Friends

Cooking made easy:

The inwards a higher house sandwiches tin sack last altered inwards many unlike ways depending on what yous direct maintain on hand.
You could brand alone cheese sandwich, or stack amongst to a greater extent than veggies similar sweetness bell peppers, grilled tofu or paneer. You could also add together ketchup or serve it on the side. Use your imagination!

Tip for good for yous living:

It is recommended that every repast last a balanced repast to run into the daily requirements of nutrients. The best means to scope this is yesteryear making your meals colorful.  You tin sack read to a greater extent than inwards the references below.


Food for thought:

It is easier to construct potent children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglass

Please do percentage your thoughts. Your persuasion matters!

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